Biographies Christian Nonfiction

No Compromise, The life Story of Keith Green by Melody Green and David Hazard

No Compromise

Singer/songwriter Keith Green challenged believers to break out of their status quo Christianity and embrace a put-it-all-on-the-line life of faith and action. Dynamic and charismatic, Keith was hailed as a prophet by many and a lighting rod of controversy by others. Never hesitating to speak his convictions, he often struggled to live up to his own strong declarations. In this inspiring biography, Keith’s wife, Melody, shares their years of spiritual searching, the events that led them to Jesus, and how their dedication to minister to others began. When Keith was 28, a tragic airplane crash took him and two of his young children home to the Lord. Left with a one-year-old daughter and another on on the way, Melody inherited Keith’s musical legacy of songs and his private journals. As she shares the highs and lows of their life together, you’ll be captivated by Keith’s courage, inspired by his commitment, and encouraged by the truths he shared.

No Compromise reflects the intensity with which Keith Green lived his life. This book really through up the challenge that in all you do to live 100%. Keith’s search for something more in life is really well portrayed in the first few chapters of the book and without his intense suborness he would not have had the influence on Christian music and worldview that he has done.
No Compromise is an inspiring read, and I felt constantly challenged to be aware of how I live up to my convictions or if I am willing to compromise my beliefs at a certain cost. I would definately encourage anyone who is tired of being wiery in their faith to read this one!!

Biographies History Nonfiction

They called Him Stonewall by Burke Davis

They Called Him Stonewall

“Burke Davis brings the color, vivid characterization and immediacy of the best fiction to this fascinating biography of Stonewall Jackson. He was one of the most brilliant and enigmatic figures not only of the Civil War, but of all military history as well. From the remarkable Valley Campaign through the Seven Days, Manassas, Antietam, Fredericksburg, and the masterful, through tragic, sweep at Chancellorsville where Jackson was felled by his own soldiers, this is a compelling narrative of men and war.

Through diligent research over several years, Burke Davis uncovered previously unknown facts about Stonewall, and is able to correct many misapprehensions – though he glosses over none of the faults and eccentricities that gave Jackson the unique personality that rose so well to the challenge of the Civil War. In this volume are also found other memorable personalities, character portraits of the men in Blue and Gray who spring to life fully realized.

Stonewall Jackson’s story is full of the challenging facts of human history. Here was a military genius at once peculiar and perfect, a fearless soldier in battle but a God – fearing man who hesitated to kill on Sunday. He broke the rules of war to win, and yet his tactics are studied in military academies the world over.

Burke Davis brings both Civil War and one of its most famous generals to life, showing this dramatic period of American history in full detail, as well as the life of one of the country’s most brilliant military strategists.”

This book really shows highlights the quality characteristics of Jackson as well as a good look at his morality which shows itself in his decision making, it is a shame that we are not given too many role models like him anymore. “They called him Stonewall” is an in depth book covering all aspects of Jackson’s life from childhood to his early death, it is definately not for the light browser of books!!

The book talks a lot about his character, through all the tragedies of his childhood to his determination to be educated and his outstanding military record. The part that caught me the most about this book is that Burke Davis really shows Jackson as a man that would not compromise his values, integrity or principles at any price. There are not too many people that you can read about with that kind of “stonewall” character (excuse the pun).

It is a book I would definately recommend to people studying great leaders and inspirational figures, it is not always an easy read – but well worth the effort.

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Biographies Christian Nonfiction

“C.S. Lewis” Author of Mere Christianity by Sam Wellman

Respected Scholar and teacher at Oxford and Cambridge universities, prolific writer of fiction, literary criticism, and poetry, and a committed atheist during the first half of his life, C.S. Lewis is acclaimed as one of the greatest Christian thinkers of the twentieth century.

To explain the Christian faith – and to unite Christians of widely differing backgrounds – he presented “mere Christianity.” The faith that is the center of the Gospel, freed of denominational and historical constraints. To explain the Christian faith, Lewis brought into focus what had become blurred: the identity and mission of Jesus of Nazareth.

Author of Mere Christianity, The Chronicles of Narnia,The Screwtape Letters, and many more well-known classics of Christian literature. Lewis’ story is one of faith and courage, and of joy that, once discovered, cannot be ignored.

Sam Wellman manages to give great insight into the life and motivations of C.S.Lewis in this book. It is not a difficult book to read and so it is perfect for light entertainment, but at the same time it has volume in the information it gives about Lewis.

The book covers the highs and lows of Lewis’ life that really shows the shaping and defining of his character and thinking that, with regards to Christianity in postmodernism, is still revolutionary today. With the Chronicles of Narnia having recently been such a big hit at the movies it is eye opening to be able to read into the background of the author.